Slave Over Knee Spanking Story

A typical over-the-knee spanking from Mistress

The whole experience is as uncomfortable as possible for you and designed to give as much pleasure to Mistress as possible.

Mistress starts by creating a scenario for me of the new secretary in the office who is called before the office manager.

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For this role, Mistress has forced me to dress for the part in a white blouse with a tight pencil skirt. I m even made to wear panties and stockings and high heels to make the outfit as authentic as possible.

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Right away I feel very humiliated and Mistress makes it worse by standing me in front of a mirror to see what I look like. With my long brunette wig on, I look every part the office slut, and I feel humiliated already

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A few final touches show the attention to detail that Mistress put into a session. I am made to wear a wide leather belt to emphasise my waist and a little gold

bracelet watch. Then I must purse my lips as a bright red lipstick is applied.


I am told to wait outside the room while Mistress readies herself than to knock on the door and wait to be called in.

The tension is terrible, and I am so aware of the outfit I am wearing, and I feel so embarrassed.


After knocking on the door, a stern voice calls me to come in.


Mistress is waiting for and is simply stunning. She is dressed in a short leather skirt with knee-high boots and black stockings with a white blouse.

An absolute vision and a perfect example of a beautiful but very dominant Mistress.

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I am quizzed on my behaviour in the office, and this is so very hard to take. I must admit to being a tease, and a slut and Mistress makes me say aloud how I purposely bend over to show off my panties to the other people in the office.

I am then made to demonstrate this and bend over, and I feel the skirt riding up, and my panties are on show above the top of my hold-up stockings.

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Mistress is very angry with this and says it is proof that I have deliberately dressed like this to get attention and it is causing problems with my coworkers and can’t be allowed to continue.


I am given a choice of immediate dismissal from the company or to accept punishment and keep my job.

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I ask what the punishment will be and Mistress says for this type of offence it has to be a very severe over-the-knee spanking with no mercy shown.


I have to accept the punishment, and I am told to stand in the corner.


Mistress then sits down in the chair and calls me over.


Mistress scolds me for my bad behaviour and asks me if I have anything to say for myself before the spanking begins.

I try to talk my way out of it and claim I just wanted to dress to look nice for the office, but this makes Mistress angry.

For my cheek, I am told the spanking will also be applied to the back of my thighs.


I am ordered to bend over  UK Mistress’s knee.


To go over Mistress’s lovely black stocking-clad legs is an honour and I am very excited, but I am also scared as I know the spanking is going to be very sore.


Mistress continues to scold me as I am bent over. I am told what a filthy little tart I am; this punishment is exactly what I deserve.

I am warned not to complain or try and cover up my bottom, and I must count out the strokes and thank Mistress for everyone or else the spanking will start again.


The humiliation I feel is so very hard to describe. I am dressed like a sissy and over the knee of a beautiful woman, and there is nothing I can do about it as I am in her power and being dominated.

Mistress starts spanking me with her hand over my skirt. This is by no means just a warm-up as Mistress spanks very hard even with just her hand. After a dozen strokes, it is already starting to hurt.

Then I feel my skirt being lifted and my bottom being exposed. This is very humiliating and hard to take.


Mistress is very cross with the red frilly panties I am wearing. This caused the next series of spanks to be administered much harder, and I am starting to struggle to keep in position.


The next stage could be the most humiliating part of the whole spanking. Mistress always makes a big fuss when she pulls my panties down.

Spanking should always be on the bare bottom, or it is not a proper spanking. She also makes sure my panties are constantly pulled down right to my ankles.

I hate this, and I feel so ashamed lying over her lap with my bare bottom exposed and defenceless with no clothing to soften the blows.

A spanking on the bare hurts especially when I struggle to keep my voice steady as I count out the number. Mistress has not given me a total of how many strokes I will get, so I have no idea how long this will last.

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I am constantly reminded about why I am getting this punishment and Mistress’s tone is very strict and severe. She continues to tell me how red my bottom is getting and how she loves to see red rosy cheeks, but she is nowhere near getting them as red as she would like.

Just when I think the pain and humiliation can’t get any worse, Mistress announces that it is time for the hairbrush. My heart sinks as I know from experience how painful a bare bottom spanking with the hairbrush can be. The brush is about six inches long by three inches wide, and when you are hit by it, you know all about it.


Yet I am still surprised by how much it hurts when the first blow lands. Mistress starts laughing at my obvious discomfort, and I tell her it is not funny. It is funny to me she relies upon it before unleashing a series of rapid blows that are too

fast for me to count properly and have me squirming over her lap.


This seems to anger Mistress, and a feel her arm clinching me tight around my waist. She then spank me very hard 5 times on each cheek in the same spot.

This is for your backchat, young lady she says with a smirk.

It is all starting to get too much. I am so aware of my situation, and the shame I feel is almost as bad as the pain in my bottom.

There are tears in my eyes and sobs in my voice as I could and thank Mistress for the strokes.

This does not elicit any sympathy from Mistress, just more scolding and humiliation from her for me crying, little girl. If anything, she spanks harder.

I hope the spanking is nearly at an end, but as usual, I have forgotten that Mistress does not make threats. She makes promises.

Now for the spanking to the thighs, she announces and laughs at my cry of dismay.

Spanking on the thighs with a hairbrush is very, very painful, and after the first two strokes, I start to struggle and plead for her to stop. I kick my legs and stamp my feet which makes me aware of the little strappy high heels I am wearing.

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Mistress does not take well to this and announces for my tantrum that the spanking will continue until I am in tears.

Again I know this is no threat, and it is hard to stay still and not complain when you know the spanking will be as severe as this.

I can feel the tears rolling down my cheeks as the spanking becomes so painful.

I can hardly shout out the number of blows as the pain is too great. Mistress shows no mercy and is laughing at my attempts to count.

This is what happens to little sluts. They get spanked over the knee on their bare bottom until they cry, she says.

Mistress then tells me it is time for the last stroke, and I have to beg her for it, and if I don’t beg well enough, she will give me thirty extra.

I am ashamed as I beg and plead for the last stroke, and when it arrives, it is the hardest one yet, and it opens a floodgate of tears for me.

This is a typical spanking from Mistress. You have been warned.

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