Types Of Submissives

What Types of Submissives frequent Bdsm Sessions

In the context of BDSM, a submissive is a person who consents to give up some control over a dominant partner in order to create a power dynamic in which the submissive is subservient and the dominant is in control. Within that context, there are many different types of submissives, each with its own unique characteristics and desires.

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One way to classify submissives is based on their interests and desires. For example, some submissives may enjoy traditional gender roles and may be interested in domestic service or other forms of submission in a domestic setting.

Others may be primarily interested in the pleasure and sensation of BDSM activities, such as masochists who enjoy receiving pain.

Still, others may enjoy taking on specific roles or personas, such as a schoolgirl or a pet, and acting them out during BDSM play.

Another way to classify submissives is based on their level of submission. Some submissives may enjoy only occasional or specific forms of submission, such as being tied up or spanked during BDSM play.

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Others may be interested in a total power exchange (TPE) relationship in which they give up control in every aspect of their lives.

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Here is a list of some common types of submissives:

  1. The traditional submissive may enjoy traditional gender roles and may be interested in domestic service or other forms of submission in a domestic setting.

  2. The service submissives may enjoy serving their partner in various ways, such as performing household tasks or running errands.

  3. The hedonistic submissive may be primarily interested in the pleasure and sensation of BDSM activities.

  4. The masochist may enjoy receiving pain or other forms of intense sensation.

  5. The brat may enjoy pushing boundaries and testing limits playfully or mischievously.

  6. The switch, who may enjoy both dominant and submissive roles and may be comfortable switching back and forth between the two.

  7. The submissive enjoys being used as an object, such as for decoration or as human furniture.

  8. The submissive likes to be humiliated or degraded in specific ways, such as being called certain names or being made to perform specific tasks.

  9. The submissive enjoys being controlled in every aspect of their life, also known as a Total Power Exchange (TPE)

  10. The submissive who has a specific fetish or interest, such as foot worship, or rubber/latex

  11. The submissive enjoys being restrained, either physically or psychologically

  12. The submissive enjoys taking on a specific role or persona, such as a schoolgirl or a pet, and acting it out during BDSM play.

  13. The submissive likes to be rewarded or punished for certain behaviour, this could be called “behavioural modification”

  14. The submissive is interested in religious or spiritual submission, connecting the act of submission as part of a spiritual practice.

It’s worth noting that this list is not exhaustive and is just intended to provide examples of some common types of submissives.

Everyone is unique and different, and how people express their submission can vary widely.

A healthy BDSM relationship is built on clear communication and consent, allowing both partners to explore and express themselves in ways that feel safe, comfortable, and fulfilling.

It’s also worth noting that not everyone in the BDSM community identifies with a label, many people see it just as a sexual or lifestyle preference, and some even don’t identify as “BDSM practitioners”. In the end, what is

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  • The traditional submissive may enjoy traditional gender roles and may be interested in domestic service or other forms of submission in a domestic setting.

  • The service submissives may enjoy serving their partner in various ways, such as performing household tasks or running errands.

  • The hedonistic submissive may be primarily interested in the pleasure and sensation of BDSM activities.

  • The baby girl/boy, who likes to act and be treated like a child

  • The masochist may enjoy receiving pain or other forms of intense sensation.

  • The brat may enjoy pushing boundaries and testing limits playfully or mischievously.

  • The switch, who may enjoy both dominant and submissive roles and may be comfortable switching back and forth between the two.

Also, it is important to note that a submissive person may also have a dominant side too. A healthy BDSM relationship is built on clear communication and consent, allowing both partners to explore and express themselves in ways that feel safe, comfortable, and fulfilling.

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Some more specific examples of types of submissives that may have certain characteristics or interests:

  • The submissive enjoys being used as an object, such as for decoration or as human furniture.

  • The submissive likes to be humiliated or degraded in specific ways, such as being called certain names or being made to perform specific tasks.

  • The submissive enjoys being controlled in every aspect of their life, also known as a Total Power Exchange (TPE)

  • The submissive who has a specific fetish or interest, such as foot worship, or rubber/latex

  • The submissive enjoys being restrained, either physically or psychologically

  • The submissive enjoys taking on a specific role or persona, such as a schoolgirl or a pet, and acting it out during BDSM play.

  • The submissive likes to be rewarded or punished for certain behaviour, this could be called “behavioural modification”

  • The submissive is interested in religious or spiritual submission, connecting the act of submission as part of a spiritual practice.

Some submissives may find pleasure and satisfaction in a wide range of activities, while others may have a very specific set of interests.

Any submissive needs to communicate their desires and boundaries clearly with their dominant partner to create a safe, consensual, and fulfilling BDSM experience.

Also, it is important to remember that not everyone in the BDSM scene identifies with a label, many people see it just as a sexual or lifestyle preference, and some even don’t identify as “BDSM practitioners”.

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Ten important things to know about BDSM before diving in:

  1. Communication is key: Before engaging in any BDSM activities, it’s crucial to have open and honest communication with your partner about your desires, boundaries, and limits. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the BDSM activities are safe, consensual, and enjoyable for all involved.

  2. Safe words are essential: A safe word is a word or phrase that is agreed upon in advance that can be used to stop BDSM activities at any time. It’s important to have a clear and easy-to-remember safe word in case one of the participants needs to stop the activities due to discomfort or safety concerns.

  3. BDSM is not abuse: It’s important to understand that BDSM is a consensual activity and is not the same as abuse. It should not involve non-consensual acts or physical harm. It’s important to establish boundaries and respect them throughout BDSM activities.

  4. BDSM can be a powerful tool for self-discovery: For some people, BDSM can be a way to explore their own desires and boundaries and to learn more about themselves. It can be a form of personal growth and self-discovery.

  5. BDSM activities should be agreed upon by both parties: It’s important to remember that BDSM activities should be agreed upon by both partners and that consent is ongoing throughout the activities. No one should feel pressured to do something they’re not comfortable with.

  6. It is not just about physical sensations: BDSM encompasses a wide range of activities and sensations, including emotional and psychological elements such as trust, power dynamics, and vulnerability.

  7.  It can be a form of stress relief: For some people, BDSM can be a form of stress relief and can help them cope with difficult emotions.

  8. BDSM requires trust and respect: BDSM activities can involve a significant degree of trust and vulnerability, and both partners need to have respect for each other.

  9. BDSM can be a form of intimacy: For some people, BDSM can be a way to connect with their partner on a deeper level and to experience intimacy in a new and unique way.

  10. It can be done in various ways: BDSM activities can range from mild to extreme, it can be done with simple ropes and handcuffs or with more elaborate equipment, and it can take place in various settings. It’s important to explore and find what works best for you and your partner.

So what does it mean by a Dom And Sub Relationship?

A dominant (or “dom”) and submissive (or “sub”) relationship is a type of BDSM relationship in which one partner (the dominant) takes on a more powerful, controlling role and the other partner (the submissive) takes on a more submissive, subservient role.

The dynamic of a dom-sub relationship is built on a power imbalance, with the dominant partner having control over the submissive partner.

This type of relationship can take many different forms and can include a wide range of activities. The dominant partner may make decisions for the submissive, set rules and boundaries, and provide discipline if necessary. The submissive partner may be expected to obey and serve the dominant partner and may be rewarded or punished for their behaviour.

Some people prefer a more light BDSM relationship where BDSM activities are part of their sexual life, while others may prefer a more heavy BDSM relationship where the power dynamic is present in all aspects of the relationship, including everyday life.

It’s important to note that in a healthy Dom-Sub relationship, all parties are consensual, aware of the power dynamic and have established safety guidelines, safe words and other communication methods before engaging in BDSM activities.

As always, consent is key in any BDSM relationship, including a Dom-Sub relationship. It should not involve non-consensual acts or physical harm.

It’s also important to remember that the Dom-Sub relationship is not limited to specific gender roles, any person can take on any role regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

Another important aspect of a dom-sub relationship is trust. The submissive partner is entrusting the dominant partner with their well-being and their desires, and the dominant partner must respect and honour that trust. Trust is built over time and through the establishment of clear boundaries, communication, and mutual respect.

It’s also important for both partners to understand that their roles are not fixed and can change over time. A submissive partner may become more dominant in certain situations, and a dominant partner may willingly give up control over others. Flexibility and adaptability are important in a dom-sub relationship, as is the ability to communicate and negotiate boundaries and limits.

It’s also worth noting that not everyone in the BDSM community identifies with a label, many people see it just as a sexual or lifestyle preference, and some even don’t identify as “BDSM practitioners”.

The labels “dom” and “sub” can be useful for describing the roles and power dynamics within a BDSM relationship, but they should not be seen as definitive or limiting.

In a dom-sub relationship, the goal is for both partners to feel safe, respected, and fulfilled. It’s about communication, trust, mutual respect, and the exploration of power dynamics, desires and boundaries.

Each person has their own preferences, limits, and goals and it’s important for both partners to discuss these and adjust the relationship accordingly.

 It is also very important to remember that BDSM is not for everyone, and that’s ok. Everyone has different preferences and desires, and it’s important to respect that. If you’re interested in exploring a dom-sub relationship, be sure to educate yourself, communicate openly and honestly with your partner, and always prioritize safety and consent.

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In addition, it’s important to understand that a dom-sub relationship, like any BDSM dynamic, should not involve non-consensual acts or physical harm. It should be based on mutual consent and the desires and limits of both partners. Both parties should be aware of and respect each other’s boundaries at all times, and there should be a clear and agreed-upon method of communication and stopping the activity if necessary.

It’s also important to understand that in a dom-sub relationship, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Every couple is different and what works for one may not work for another. It’s important to remember that communication, trust and respect are essential in any relationship. It’s also important to note that a Dom-Sub relationship is a dynamic thing, that can change over time as the parties involved adapt and grow, it is important to keep the communication open and honest to adjust the dynamic accordingly.

 The Journey of Dom sub Relationship

The journey of a Dom-Sub relationship can be very rewarding, it can be a way to grow both emotionally and sexually. It can also be a way to explore one’s own desires and boundaries and to experience intimacy uniquely.

It’s also worth noting that professional help may be necessary in some cases if there are any concerns about mental health or well-being. A therapist or counsellor with experience in BDSM can help provide guidance and support for couples looking to explore a dom-sub relationship.

In summary, a dom-sub relationship is a type of BDSM relationship that is based on a power imbalance, in which one partner takes on a more powerful, controlling role and the other partner takes on a more submissive, subservient role.

It’s important to remember that this type of relationship should be based on mutual consent, respect and open communication, and should never involve non-consensual acts or physical harm. It is also a dynamic thing that can change and grow over time and should be adjusted accordingly.


In a dom-sub relationship, it’s also important to understand that there are different levels of intensity.

Some couples may engage in light BDSM activities as part of their sexual play, while others may have a more heavy BDSM dynamic in all aspects of their relationship.

It’s important for both partners to discuss their preferences and boundaries and to establish a clear agreement about what each partner is comfortable with.

It’s also important to understand that there are different types of submission and domination.

Some people may enjoy a more strict, traditional power dynamic in which the dominant partner has complete control and makes all the decisions, while others may prefer a more fluid dynamic in which both partners have equal say in the relationship and make decisions together.

The most important thing is to establish a clear understanding of the power dynamic and to make sure that both partners are comfortable with it.

Another important aspect of a dom-sub relationship is self-awareness and self-acceptance. It’s important for both partners to understand their own desires, limits, and boundaries and to be comfortable with themselves before entering into a dom-sub relationship. This will help ensure that both partners feel safe and respected throughout the BDSM activities.

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Finally, it’s important to remember that a dom-sub relationship is not for everyone. It requires open communication, mutual respect, and trust. It should also be based on mutual consent and the desires and limits of both partners. If you’re interested in exploring a dom-sub relationship, it’s important to educate yourself, communicate openly and honestly with your partner, and always prioritize safety and consent.


Another important thing to keep in mind is that in a Dom-Sub relationship, the roles can be fluid and can change according to the situation and the preferences of the couple. It’s not uncommon for partners to switch roles in order to explore different aspects of the BDSM dynamic and to experience different feelings and sensations. It’s also important to know that the Dom-Sub dynamics can vary in intensity, a dom-sub relationship can be a light-hearted one, or it can be a more heavy and intense experience.

It’s also important to note that the Dom-Sub dynamics can be part of a long-term relationship, or it can be a temporary one. Some people enjoy engaging in Dom-Sub dynamics only during BDSM sessions, while others prefer to incorporate it into their everyday lives.

Another thing that is important to understand is the fact that Dom-Sub dynamics can vary greatly between couples. Some may prefer light BDSM play and others may prefer more intense BDSM activities.

Some may enjoy role-playing while others may not. Each couple should find the dynamic that works best for them and that makes them feel comfortable and fulfilled.

Finally, as always, is important to remember that BDSM is not for everyone, and that’s ok. Everyone has different preferences and desires, and it’s important to respect that. It’s important to know that a Dom-Sub relationship is not something to be taken lightly, it’s an intimate and intense experience that requires open communication, trust, and mutual respect.

If you’re interested in exploring a Dom-Sub relationship, be sure to educate yourself, communicate openly and honestly with your partner, and always prioritize safety and consent.

Another thing to note about a dom-sub relationship is that it can be practised in different settings. Some couples may engage in BDSM play in private, while others may attend BDSM clubs or events, or participate in online BDSM communities. Each couple should find the setting that works best for them and makes them feel comfortable and safe.

It’s also important to note that BDSM is not a monolithic activity and there are many different forms of BDSM play.

Each couple should find the activities that work best for them and makes them feel comfortable and fulfilled.

This can include a wide range of activities like; spanking, flogging, sensation play, role-playing, bondage and more.

 BDSM is not a one-size-fits-all activity and what works for one couple may not work for another. Each couple should find the dynamic that works best for them, and that makes them feel comfortable and fulfilled.

Finally, it’s important to understand that a dom-sub relationship, like any BDSM dynamic, is a form of adult play, it is not a substitute for an emotional and intellectual connection.

A healthy BDSM relationship is built on trust, communication, respect, and intimacy, and both partners need to have a strong emotional and intellectual connection in addition to the BDSM dynamic.

In summary, a dom-sub relationship is a type of BDSM relationship that is based on a power imbalance, in which one partner takes on a more powerful, controlling role and the other partner takes on a more submissive, subservient role.

Remember that this type of relationship should be based on mutual consent, respect, and open communication, and should never involve non-consensual acts or physical harm. Each dom-sub relationship is unique, and both partners need to establish what works best