Sissy Slut K Chastity Diary

Sissy Slut K Chastity  Diary

Having known this sissy for many many years and having done Chastity training with him over the years, I decided it was time to keep a diary of his torment in Chastity and I will be publishing his updates every other day as he sends them. This is the life of Slut K  and his hell in Chastity. This will also give you an idea of what you can expect to be doing while locked away by ukMistresslive.  

The messages below are sent from the Chastity Slave

Read sissy K the sluts first essay on what turns her onthe sissy story


Sat 11th April

Yes, Mistress, I have received the message.

Your cock is back under lock and key so thank you for last night I really really needed that.
I just wanted to check if I had to watch porn each day Mistress? I know You mentioned it during the session but wanted to check so I don’t get out of line!!
 14/ April 2020 –
Good evening Mistress,

I am reporting back after having watched my latest batch of porn and Your cock is powerless and tightly trapped in its prison.
the porn has been such torture Mistress I keep feeling how much you are in control and now the restrictions are at their deepest. Knowing you can do whatever you want and there is nothing I can do about it. sitting in my old panties getting staler by the day hoping I may be allowed to change them soon.
I watched cuckolding porn on day 1 – I don’t know why it was stupid and weak of me as it just made my situation worse and all I could think about was you.
I watched sissy hypnoses and chastity porn, yesterday Mistress. that didn’t help I moaned as your cock strained against the cage and I just felt so vulnerable, powerless.
tonight I watched bondage videos and I thought of you all day every twitch every strain reminding me you are back in your rightful place. 
thank you, Mistress, I hope you are well and all the best to everyone. I think it’s going to be a painful night in the cage now as this email has me all worked up!


Check out the sissy humiliation phone chat

19th April 20/20

Hi Mistress,

Hope that you are all doing well here is my diary entry.
It’s been a week now. A week since Mistress took back possession of her cock and shut it away in its cage. Every clink of the lock is a reminder of how helpless and vulnerable I am. Even though She is many miles away Mistress is in total control and I am completely powerless.
The daily doses of porn continue as I watch other people fucking or wanking there is no more waiting for me. Just the pain of the cage and the longing and desperation of Chastity.
The feeling of Mistress’ control is everpresent and as I settle into a new life of control, torture and who knows what else Mistress has planned I know I deserve this. I need this. I am a slut and this is what sluts deserve.
Thank You, Mistress
20th April 2020
Thank you, Mistress,

I enjoyed watching my porn diet last night – it was such torture on your poor cock as I watched videos of sissies in bondage and chastity being abused. The chastity would be so much easier to bear if I did not have to arouse your cock like this but as a slut I know this is what I deserve and is your control and power over me. 
My holes are craving to be filled and used in every clip I watch and every twitch is in honour for You Mistress. I know you will be smiling thinking about my suffering that makes me happy to please You.
Your slut,
20/4/2020 Diary entry
Yes, Mistress. The diary entry is below.


Goddess, your cock is so sore right now… your balls are on fire and this cage is so, so tight. It has taken me about 90 minutes to write my essay, all the while being so horny thinking of it, the cage has been unrelenting all that time I so want to be out of it to be able to cum and I can’t. 

Powerless as always beneath you Mistress. Now I am watching a porn video where a poor slut is being kidnapped and abused. I so want to be her… like that so powerless. 

I know I will not get much sleep for some time after it finishes – your power and the cage are unyielding. 

But I know you are right Mistress, a slut like me needs to be tamed and I need this as I need your control.

Sweet dreams Mistress

slut k